Reincarnation of the Celestial Bastard

Chapter 17: Slowly But Surely

Chapter 17: Chapter 17: Slowly But Surely

"I suppose it\'s a big estate, but not that big," she replied, her tone even, neither warm nor cold. She nodded politely and moved past him, but he could sense the slight awareness in her demeanor.

Li Tian didn\'t push further. This first encounter had to seem unplanned. He let her go, watching her retreating form before heading back to his own business. The system chimed faintly in his mind.

[Good start. Remember, don\'t rush it.]

The second encounter came the next afternoon. Li Tian, with an air of calculated nonchalance, made his way to the courtyard, where he knew Xu Fang often read in the afternoons. Sure enough, she was there, sitting beneath a large tree, a book in her hands.

He hesitated just long enough to appear uncertain, then approached as if by accident.

"Oh, it\'s you again," Xu Fang said, glancing up from her book with a mild expression of surprise.

Li Tian gave her an easy smile. "Funny seeing you here again. I didn\'t expect to run into you twice in a row."

"Neither did I," she said, a slight lift to her eyebrow. "Are you wandering aimlessly, or do you have a purpose?"

"Bit of both," he replied with a chuckle. "I find this part of the estate peaceful. It\'s good for clearing my head."

Xu Fang gave a brief nod, then returned to her book, clearly not inviting further conversation. Once again, Li Tian took the hint and excused himself, but not before leaving her with a parting smile.

The system, as usual, chimed in shortly after he walked away.

[Slow and steady, you\'re on the right track. She\'s starting to notice.]

By the third time they "ran into" each other, Xu Fang\'s suspicion was piqued. It was the evening, and she had just finished her daily walk around the estate when she found Li Tian leaning against a pillar by the entrance to the dining hall.

"Oh, you again," she remarked, this time with a hint of something more—perhaps curiosity, or even amusement.

Li Tian smiled innocently. "It seems the estate is smaller than I thought."

Xu Fang studied him for a moment, her gaze lingering just a little too long to be casual. "You seem to be everywhere these days," she said slowly, almost teasingly.

Li Tian raised an eyebrow, feigning surprise. "Am I? Pure coincidence, I assure you."

Xu Fang\'s lips twitched into what might have been the beginnings of a smirk. "Hmm, if you say so."

Although she didn\'t press the matter, Li Tian could tell she was starting to piece things together. He decided not to push his luck this time and simply offered a nod before walking away. As he did, the system chimed again.

[She\'s noticing. Good. You\'re playing the long game here, and it\'s working.]

In the days that followed, Li Tian continued his casual approach. He would cross paths with Xu Fang in the hallways, sometimes exchanging a few words, other times just nodding as they passed. Slowly but surely, the tension between them began to ease. She no longer gave him the distant, detached look that she once did. Instead, there was something else in her eyes—a growing familiarity, perhaps even curiosity.

During one encounter, Xu Fang actually initiated the conversation.

"You seem different lately," she said one morning as they both stood by the courtyard, watching the servants tend to the gardens.

Li Tian turned to her, his expression relaxed. "Different how?"

She gave a soft shrug, her eyes still fixed on the greenery before them. "Less...distant. Or maybe more interested in what\'s going on around you."

Li Tian chuckled lightly. "Perhaps I\'ve realized there\'s more to life than I thought."

Xu Fang glanced at him, her eyes narrowing slightly, as if trying to decipher his words. "Interesting. I wonder what brought about this change."

"I guess I\'m learning to appreciate things I didn\'t before," he said with a casual shrug, leaving his response deliberately vague.

Xu Fang didn\'t reply immediately, but she seemed to consider his words carefully. After a brief pause, she nodded. "It\'s not a bad change."

[Relationship Progress: Significant improvement. Keep nurturing this bond.]

As their relationship slowly began to evolve, Xu Fang no longer seemed to see Li Tian as an afterthought or just another resident of the estate. Though she remained cautious, the cold distance between them had diminished, replaced by a subtle, growing warmth. Li Tian knew that it would still take time, but he was patient, playing the long game while carefully weaving his charm into their interactions.

As the days turned into weeks, Xu Fang\'s demeanor softened further. Their conversations grew longer, and her guarded nature relaxed in his presence. Though neither acknowledged it outright, the shift in their relationship was undeniable.

For Li Tian, this was more than just completing a task. The challenge had become something he genuinely enjoyed. Slowly winning over a woman like Xu Fang was no easy feat, but it fueled his desire even more. He could feel her walls starting to crack, and that only made him more eager to push further.

But for now, he was content with the progress they had made. There was no need to rush—after all, patience was a virtue, and Li Tian was nothing if not strategic in his pursuit.

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