
Chapter 1258 Potential Ally?

Chapter 1258  Potential Ally?

That was not a bad deal in his eyes considering how big Russia was, and how many smart bases in Russia were. He agreed to the deal and the Federation of Allurion sent a big group of mercenaries and also a small group of their main force. The ones who would take the fifty Unique Classes were the small group.

Yury Semenov was never interested in the Tang Empire\'s territory at first, not yet, not until he took over his country. He might think of taking the path down to the south or the west, but not yet. He intended to take all the territories and strengthen his guild first before expanding outside Russia.

The mercenary group and a few scattered forces he had on the border were meant to harass the Tang Empire in Mongolia. That was a distraction so the Tang Empire\'s force in Mongolia did not think of entering his border. Mixing it with the mercenary, his people were doing well to keep the Tang Empire busy at the border while his guild finished many Survival Games and captured many territories. By his estimation, the operation and cooperation with the Federation of Allurion would be over in one month.

"Just one more month…" Yury Semenov was sick of how arrogant the mercenaries, especially, the main force from the Federation of Allurion. As he contemplated his next move against the federation, he received a message. He thought his people had found the location for the Survival Game. Opening the message, it was not the message he expected to hear.

"The mercenaries at the border are annihilated?" He muttered in a low voice with a frown. This was the Tang Empire\'s doing without a doubt. This was the retaliation for their harassment, but he did not expect for the Tang Empire to mobilize the main force to his border while dealing with the World Government, "Just how strong are they to be able to spare a force to beat the mercenary?"

Yury Semenov messaged his Vice Guild Masters and his high-ranking officials for a meeting. They must think of something in case the Tang Empire chose extreme retaliation and went through to their main territory. He soon met them all and told them what happened at the border.

"What should we do against the Tang Empire?" He gave their opinion while he had his own plan in his mind.

Mikhailovich, One of the Vice Guild Leaders, was the first one to say, "This is actually a good opportunity for us."

Everyone in the room turned toward him, clearly wanting to know what he meant by good opportunity.

"I think the reason they attacked us was because the mercenary was too brutal in their harassment. From what I know, they killed quite a number of Mongolians, and I think that was the reason why the Tang Empire retaliated by sending one of their main forces to our territory," Mikhailovich paid close attention to the border issue, "Meanwhile, our people never killed one of them. We just took them as prisoners and released them after we took over the wall. We can direct the Tang Empire to the mercenary and the Federation of the Allurion\'s forces. We have taken more than half of our territories, and we don\'t need their help anymore. We can use the Tang Empire to dispose of them instead of paying them."

"No, we can\'t do that. We will be making the enemy of the Federation of Allurion. That\'s the worst plan I have ever heard. Do you want to make an enemy of the federation and also the Tang Empire at the same time?" Babusev who held the position of Advisor in the guild, was the first one to oppose the plan, "That\'s the worst idea. We can ask for more reinforcement from the federation."

"I agree with Babusev. It\'s not like the Tang Empire sent their main force to attack us. I think we can still handle them even without reinforcement. We have a hundred Federation of Allurion\'s elite, and we have more mercenaries here," Ludomir Patronovich, one of the six advisors, supported Advisor Babusev while the second Vice Guild Leader, Batusov remained silent.

Yury Semenov glanced at his Advisor, before glancing at his Vice Guild Leader. Even though there were no words coming out of their mouths, they seemed to communicate silently.

"This is the best time for us to make such a move. I don\'t understand why you oppose my plan, even saying it\'s the worst plan," Mikhailovich shook his head and stared at Ludomir Patronovich, "The federation and the church are amassing their army with the World Government to fight the Tang Empire. Do you think they have a spare army to help us? Even if they send reinforcement, it must be weaker than their main force. Over one thousand and five hundred mercenaries are killed in less than a day, and you still think we can handle them? Those mercenaries have more than ten Primordial Ranks, and they still get wiped out without being able to send a report to us. Do you think we can handle them?"

"Also, this is the chance for us to weaken the federation even a little. Remember, once the Federation of Allurion and the Divine Church are done with the Tang Empire. We will be their next target. We only have two choices if that happens. First, we become their dog just like the World Government. Second, we fight them and die. However, if the Tang Empire happens to win the fight, we can just coexist like before. Helping the Tang Empire might benefit us more than siding with the federation right now!"

Yury Semenov nodded his head, turning his gaze to Ludomir Patronovich and Babusev, waiting for their arguments against Mikhailovich. He had the same thought as Mikhailovich, this was the time for them to throw away their backer. They made a contract, and the contract was that the federation would hire mercenaries to help them capture Russia in exchange for fifty Unique Classes. The border harassment was not in the contract. He sensed something fishy about his Advisor who told him to send their force to the border.

There was no reason for the Tang Empire to expand to Russia when the World Government was after them. The plan was flawed. There was no need to do so because the Tang Empire would most likely ignore them and deal with the World Government instead. The reason the Tang Empire came for them right now was because of his Advisor\'s plan. He listened to them for one reason, to find if his Advisor had changed sides or was still on his side.

"Do you think the Tang Empire can win the fight against the Divine Church and The Federation of Allurion? Have you gone mad?" Ludomir Patronovich chuckled, "If you think they are sending their main force, then you are wrong. Their main force is in the God Rank Dimensional Tower. Even if they lose right now, the Tang Empire could never win against the federation and the church. You are dreaming, Vice Guild Leader Mikhailovich!"

Yury Semenov furrowed his brow, "Why did you never tell me about that before, Ludomir? How am I not informed about the federation\'s main force."

Ludomir was caught off guard a moment with the question. He thought the guild leader would follow his plan by revealing the information, but it went wrong without Yury Semenov reacting, "I thought you already knew…." His voice trailed off as he saw Yury Semenov\'s face darkened.

"How am I supposed to know about that, Ludomir? You are the one who set up the meeting with the federation. Babusev is one of the ones who proposed to send our force to harass the Tang Empire\'s border even though it was unnecessary, and it was my Vice Guild Leader who supported the plan. I am barely involved with the federation," Yury Semenov turned toward Batusov, one of his Vice Guild Leaders. He finally connected the pieces after sensing something wrong for a few months.

Babusev was Batusov\'s younger brother by blood. The brothers worked their way out to climb to their positions, and he trusted Batusov. The reason he followed their plan was to see the end of it, to see if some of his people changed sides. He lacked the evidence that Babusev, Ludomir, and Batusov betrayed him. However, his instinct told him that was the case, and he chose to believe his instinct.

"Kill him!" At his words, Mikhail took out his spear and stabbed Batusov in the head. That was so unexpected with how decisive Yury Semenov was to kill his people based on his instinct. He was the person who rather kill the wrong person than be sorry later.

Babusev and Ludomir were much weaker than Batusov. They had not reached even Epic Rank yet, and the two were easily subdued by Yury Semenov and Mikhailovich.

"Contact the Tang Empire and request a meeting at the tower city. We need to inform them and apologize for our attack on Mongolia. We can hand the traitors over as proof!"

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