The Primal Hunter

Chapter 723: Nevermore: Something Reckless

“Many of the ingredients I wanted to use are no longer capable of supporting the ritual… we will need some replacements,” the Dark Witch said with a deep frown. “Would it be possible for some of you to perhaps acquire them?”

That’s right, there were fetch-quests. That at least gave the Fallen King, Sword Saint, and Sylphie something to do while Jake and Dina worked on the ritual circle with the Dark Witch. Jake had feared this would add a lot of time to this final part of floor forty-one considering the long trek the three of them would have to go on for each item, but luckily the Dark Witch had a way to alleviate that.

While space magic was distorted on the planet, she had found a way to faintly tap into this concept and set up a few teleportation points across the planet, all of them underground. Some had been broken with time, but most were still functional. The only bad thing about these teleportation points was that they were one-way only. So the three of them would have to make their own way back.

This was a problem for all of them except for a certain old man who got to painting straight away. Considering he would have the easiest time getting back, Sylphie and the Fallen King were tasked with retrieving the items closest to the entrance of the Dark Descent, while the old man would go for everything else. All in all, the Dark Witch needed five items from powerful mini-boss monsters spread across the planet. A totally random number of items and not at all one corresponding to the number of people usually in a Nevermore party, Jake was sure.

With everything hard at work, time rapidly passed. Jake and Dina managed to get in plenty of conversation with the Dark Witch during this time and learned a lot about the history of Tri-World, as well as all the knowledge she had about Karmic Plagues. What was most interesting was just how much she knew, especially when it came to stories about how plagues had done harm to the multiverse.

She was practically a living lexicon of horror stories brought on by plagues, making it very clear how bad they were, and several times mentioned how plagues were the closest thing to being outlawed that anything could be in a lawless multiverse. How if one of them decided to ever try and create a plague, they would be hunted down and killed. That last part was aimed at Jake only for some reason, not giving Dina enough credit. She could totally make a plague if she put her mind to it.

During this ritual construction process, Dina and Jake did discuss a few times how they had to keep an eye out for anything hidden within the massive magic circle they were making. Something that would allow the Dark Witch to do something they had not discussed or were planning on.

Perhaps they were being paranoid, but getting double-crossed was kind of the expected outcome. Jake would lie if he said he didn’t predict she would somehow change the ritual halfway through to absorb the plague for power or maybe spread it far and wide, as she – in a massive plot twist - had actually been entirely corrupted and was doing all this to assist the Karmic Plague.

But nothing seemed to be wrong with the ritual to either of them, no matter how far they got in the process, and after a bit over two months, the ritual circle was completed. The Sword Saint had made three trips during this time, teleporting back through his weird painting magic, with the Fallen King and Sylphie fetching one item each.

With everything ready, Jake was still hesitant. Because there was one part of this entire thing they hadn’t quite addressed.

If everything went as planned, the Karmic Plague would be destroyed. Destroying it would kill anyone infected with said plague, so both the Sword Saint and Dina would be fine as they weren’t actually infected yet due to the fifty-year incubation period. But… the Dark Witch was. This meant that while Jake didn’t get to do a sacrificial ritual for a planet… he had been helping a witch construct a ritual for her own suicide.

Something he and the other four weren’t going to leave unmentioned as this was the biggest cause of their suspicion the Dark Witch would try to pull something. However, if she was honestly willing to sacrifice herself…

“We are done,” the Dark Witch smiled happily, seeing the entire ritual circle Jake and Dina had helped make. It was directly below the core, but once the ritual began, the Karmic Plague from within the World Core would detect the Mimicry World Core and, due to its design, be unable to resist infecting what it thought was another planet. Once it transferred just a little energy, the ritual would allow the rest to be dragged into the Mimicry World Core and thus dispel the World Core of Tri-World entirely. All of this was naturally only possible due to the Mimicry World Core, which was honestly overpowered in Jake’s eyes and clearly an item designed for something just like this.

“We are done indeed,” Jake nodded as he looked at the circle before looking at the witch directly. “I am not going to beat around the bush. Based on your own words and what we designed this ritual to do, if we successfully pull this off, you will die in the process.”

The Dark Witch looked at Jake and the others as she smiled. “I know. Don’t get me wrong, I am not a fan of dying, but I knew from the very beginning this was a risk I would be running when I walked this Path. Even now, I feel the influence of the Karmic Plague gnawing at me. I can suppress it for now, but in just a few years, I will be back to being the mindless monster you fought when you first encountered me. Death is preferable to that. Going out taking this damn plague with me isn’t the worst death, at least. I do wish you five luck in getting off the planet, though. While I have no future, it is not the same for you all.”

Her words seemed sincere, at least to Jake. He knew he, at times, messed up, but he still felt like he could get a read on people’s vibes, and the Dark Witch gave off the vibe of someone who truly would do anything to get rid of the Karmic Plague. That small speech she just gave only reaffirmed his thoughts and made him feel a bit bad about being so suspicious.

“When immortality is not on the table, a good death is the best end for a well-lived life,” the Sword Saint nodded respectfully.

Dina clearly didn’t like it but still nodded solemnly. Jake didn’t know if this entire floor was about teaching them moral lessons, but he didn’t like that the only “right” decision was one where not everyone could be saved.

“Let us not delay more than necessary. While my mind is still mine, I want to finish this once and for all,” the Dark Witch said in a resolute voice.

All that was left was to respect her wish as they got to work. All six of them were necessary for the ritual, though the Sword Saint, Fallen King, and Sylphie would only serve as energy sources and stabilizing elements, while the Dark Witch was the primary controller. Jake and Dina would directly support her, which would help the ritual to proceed faster. Usually, it would take about a week, but with Jake and Dina there to help, the Dark Witch estimated no more than a single day would be needed as she wouldn’t need any rest periods.

With everyone in place, the ritual began. Right below the true World Core floated the Mimicry World Core, ready to mirror the giant molten orb above and become the new host for the source of the Karmic Plague. Jake still had to admit he wasn’t entirely clear on how the ritual would proceed; he just knew he would be supporting the Dark Witch in whatever she did.

Runes covering the entire chamber lit up, not with the usual darkish light, but a deep red. Energy instantly began filling the core room, their party of five providing much of it, along with all the items prepared by both the Dark Witch and what was recovered by the Fallen King, Sylphie, and Sword Saint.

These runes then began to send light toward the middle point right between the true World Core and the Mimicry floating many kilometers below it. Over the next many hours, a large flat surface was summoned, resembling an odd black and red mirror, reflecting both the Mimicry Core and true World Core.

At the twenty-six-hour mark, Jake felt the ritual approach completion. Two World Cores were reflected in the mirror, overlapping perfectly. The Dark Witch sent them all a signal as they prepared for the final part. With a push of power, the entire chamber began rumbling.

For a moment, Jake saw the true World Core flicker out of existence, replaced by the Mimicry Core, only for the real one to return instantly. Two realities were overlapping, both true and false at the same time, until suddenly, the mirror they had summoned shattered. All the runes across the room also broke at the exact same time as the Dark Witch fell to her knees, exhausted.

Without even seeing the notification, Jake knew they had succeeded.

Bonus Objective Completed: Assist the Dark Witch in the ritual to cleanse Tri-World of the Karmic Plague. 2500 Nevermore Points earned.

Jake checked the notification and smiled a bit at their success. He threw his gaze toward the Mimicry World Core and nodded as he read its updated description.

[Mimicry World Core (Unique)] – A mimicry of a true World Core, able to mirror another true World Core. A mimicry of the Tri-World’s core has been created from this item, and the source of a powerful Karmic Plague now resides within. This item has a built-in self-destruction sequence that can be activated at any time, utterly destroying the core.

The ritual was complete and had gone off without a hitch, just as they had planned. There was no deceit, no double-crossing. The Dark Witch didn’t even make a move for the Mimicry World Core that now had the Karmic Plague in it. She did not do one shady thing throughout, which weirdly enough felt… weird. To see someone – especially someone called the Dark Witch – be so honest and truthful throughout, making a selfless sacrifice…

It rubbed Jake the wrong way about how this was all supposed to go down. He didn’t like this ending.

No one had to say anything as their group gathered right in front of the floating Mimicry Core. The Dark Witch was the last one to arrive as she looked entirely spent, though she had a proud smile on her lips.

“We did it,” she said in a melancholic voice. “Now all we have to do is destroy the core, and this will be over… don’t worry, the self-destruction is not an explosion but a built-in implosion of sorts, more or less just erasing the entire core from existence. It was made for cases like this, after all. All that one needs to do in order to activate this feature is to infuse energy into the formation on it…”

Jake sensed her hesitation, as she didn’t make a move to do what she had just said was oh-so-simple. Simply doing an action you knew would be the end of you wasn’t easy. That one moment was enough hesitation for Jake to sigh.

“Ah, fuck it,” he muttered as he looked at his party. “Am I allowed to be a little reckless here?”

“This is a dungeon; nothing done here truly matters. But I believe that goes both ways… if there is a time to embrace recklessness, perhaps now is the time. Fine, go ahead, perhaps there will even be bonus points for such a thing, but do not end your own existence for a stupid sense of vanity,” the Fallen King said, clearly understanding Jake wanted to do something potentially moronic.

The Sword Saint also just shrugged, with Dina looking confused about what Jake planned to do. Sylphie didn’t seem to care overly much either way.

“Well then,” Jake said as he looked at the Dark Witch. “Wanna take a risk and see if we can get that Karmic Plague out of you?”

She stared at Jake for a moment before shaking her head. “While the thought is appreciated, I am well aware of the nature of this Karmic Plague. It has merged with me already, and my fate is sealed. Nothing short of a god could change that outcome.”

“It isn’t that bleak,” Jake said. “The Karmic Plague is infecting you, yes, but differently than others. You managed to almost segment it away from the most vital parts of your soul, so while getting rid of it won’t be easy, it isn’t impossible either.”

The Dark Witch just sighed again. “Once more, I am aware. It was done in an attempt to save myself, but it didn’t work properly. The Karmic Plague is designed to destroy me if the source is destroyed, and my feeble attempts will do nothing to change that.”

“If you are so confident you are going to die, just let me give it a shot,” Jake shrugged. “The worst outcome is what you expect anyway.”

“The worst outcome is you ending up also infected or sharing my fate,” she said sternly.

“I’ll be fine,” Jake waved her off.

He then turned toward the Mimicry World Core and opened his mouth. Palate of the Malefic Viper activated as Jake used the skill in a fashion he hadn’t for a while, as he quickly took out the item he had in his Palata – one of the treasures given by the Risen during his ceremony – and prepared to consume the fake World Core.

“What are you doing!?” the Dark Witch yelled as the core shrank and flew into Jake’s mouth. “That core isn’t something a C-grade can suppress! The innate will of the world is mirrored too, and… and…”

Jake stood there, rubbing his stomach as he felt the tremors of energy go through his body as the rowdy fake World Core complained. At least it did for a moment before Jake clamped down on it hard. One had to remember that the “stomach” of Palata was within his soul… and once it was in there, Jake felt the plague resonate with something else in there as it calmed down entirely.

Within his Soulspace, the drop of blood from the Malefic Viper pulsed with energy only once, suppressing the corrupted World Core entirely before going silent once more. This hadn’t even been a necessary part of Jake’s plan, but it was a nice surprise. What was even more of a nice surprise was what had come with that pulse of energy from the drop of blood. Knowledge of plagues had flooded his head, courtesy of Sagacity, saving him quite a bit of time, having to slowly absorb it from Palata.

The Dark Witch just stood there staring at Jake for a few moments. “Who the hell are you?”

“Someone with a plan,” Jake smiled as he turned and looked at the Sword Saint. “Could you give me a hand?”

“What do you need me to do?” the old man asked.

“When I give the signal, could you be nice and stab me in the head with that Glimpse of Spring: Erosion thing?”

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