Summoned and Unwanted

Chapter 681 - 681 Accept my challenge. I am worthy.

*Ptooey* “Both of your vile presence disgusts me. As they say, blood is thicker than water. Instead of making sacrifices for the wellbeing of the people you both lead, you are sacrificing your people’s wellbeing for your own instead.” Vincent bluntly said in a condescending tone.

Labh became infuriated, and he didn’t want to let Vincent keep badmouthing him or his mother. He released the spear stuck in the tendrils and grabbed a spear from a Dullahan behind him.

“Die, slave trader!” Labh thrust the spear at Vincent once again with the intention of killing him.

*Tsk* “How dare you try to hurt me while I am holding my woman.” Vincent said before his arm moved swiftly and precisely, with the help of another Soul Invite use.

Vincent grabbed the spear is pushed it aside. He raised his leg and kicked Labh’s fingers, forcing him to let go of the spear because of pain.

Awa was still being held by her hip. She looked at Vincent with a pair of bright red cheeks while Vincent disarmed Labh.

Awa heard the spear fall. She realized Vincent protected her from the chance of being impaled by the spear. Additionally, Vincent protected Awa instead of using her as a living shield.

‘Stop feeling nervous, Awa! But... Why is my heart beating weirdly? We are in a fake relationship. This isn’t real... why am I acting embarrassed?’ Awa pondered deeply while her eyes couldn’t move away from Vincent.


The Dullahans who looked at Awa believed she was passionately gazing at Vincent. Even Awa’s parents thought Awa was madly in love with Vincent now.

“What is everyone doing? Why am I not hearing the sound of our proud warriors running?” The clan chieftain shouted angrily.

The clan chieftain stomped her foot and said in a condescending tone, “I spent two generations from the time I became the clan chieftain feeding all of you up until now. So why are you looking at the slave trader instead of attacking him? We need to get rid of him before he brings more slave traders to attack us.”

A chill soon rushed down her spine. The clan chieftain moved her gaze onto Vincent, and she quickly understood the reason why.

Vincent was releasing his bloodlust bit by bit. After the fight with Orso, Vincent regained some of his intent control. With the partial return of his intent control, Vincent directed his domination intent toward the Dullahans planning to attack him.

Regardless, the control was good enough to let one Dullahan after the other, know that Vincent wasn’t going to go down without a difficult fight.

The plan worked as the mother and son duo were making a fool of themselves while revealing their true colors.

*Cough* “Why is everyone acting so hostile? And here I thought Awa vouching for me would make the clan leader, who appears to be afraid of me, accept the challenge.” Vincent shook his head and coughed again to fake being in a weakened state. “No wonder Awa loves me. I do not treat her like a breeding tool.”

From a proud Dullahan warrior to a woman whose job is to give birth, if she survived the child-birthing process, that is. Awa frowned after hearing this suggestion.

Awa felt ashamed to consider Vincent’s words to be correct because they were very close to the truth she knew.

The more Awa listened to Vincent, the more she began to doubt her role as the next clan chieftain. Awa started to wonder if the only way to have authority was after the death of the current clan chieftain.

Awa looked at Vincent and then looked at Labh.

One was a human that saved her life, treated her well, and escorted her home safe and sound. He was also a person with a strong warrior’s spirit, and his might was powerful enough to kill Orso.

On the other hand, the clan leader took the Dullahans to hunt while leaving his mother to do most of the leading in his stead. Awa had also learned that the clan chieftain did most of the work even if the clan leader was lazying in his warm home.

‘They are both strong men, but they are far different than the other. They also treat me differently.’ Awa thought while glancing at Vincent.

‘The one with many lovers is making my heart act strange, even if I know it is not right to share a man with other women.’ Awa glanced at Labh and continued pondering, ‘The other acts as if I am doing him a favor and I am also a bother to him.’

*Gulp* ‘Is it okay to bet my entire future because of my heart?’ Awa pondered deeply.

“Awa. Please come back to us. It is dangerous to stay with him. ” Awa’s mother begged.

“Awa, my sweet daughter. The clan leader and the clan chieftain have treated you well. Why are you acting like this?” Awa’s father questioned.

Vincent moved his gaze to Awa. “Treated you well?” He asked her.

“I am sorry, father, mother. I have lied to you. I have lied to everyone. ” Awa announced before her eyes began tearing up. “I was not okay. I felt terrible when the clan leader looked at me strangely every day, and I had to do some chores for him every day. Furthermore, the clan chieftain gave me tests every day after I finished the chores. Only by answering the questions correctly could I bring food to eat or trade for herbs.”

The clan chieftain flustered. She moved her head and noticed the Dullahans were looking with doubtful expressions.

The seed of doubt was sowed, and it was dangerous to let Awa keep speaking. If the flower of doubt bloomed, leading the Dullahans was going to become difficult in the future since they would doubt her every order.

*Stop* “Stop speaking nonsense, you traitor. How can you be involved with a slave trader and even have the gal to vouch for such a...”

“I lied to my parents and everyone...” Awa interrupted the clan chieftain. “I lied because I didn’t want them to feel responsible and terrible because of my choice.”

Awa moved her head from left to right while expressing with tears welling in her eyes, “But I am not lying this time.”

“Listen to me o proud Dullahans. Vincent, the human who is different than all the humans in the world, has an achievement that makes him worthy of becoming the next clan leader and I, the next clan chieftain.” Awa announced loudly.

“Achievements?” Everyone wondered.

Awa’s words were already a lot to take as the truth was still not completely proven. Announcing that Vincent had done an achievement important enough to make him worthy of challenging the current clan leader confused their minds even further.

“Oh, hehe. You mean that?” Vincent said before extending his hand.

When a lot of green particles of light exited his hand, the Dullahans reacted as if he was about to attack them. They held on to their spear with a firm grip, and their brows frowned.

“Magic! He is about to attack us.” Shouted the clan chieftain, hoping to urge the Dullahans to attack Vincent promptly and silence him for good.

The Dullahans looked at each other. They gulped, tightened their muscles, and started approaching Vincent at a quick pace with the intention of stopping his attack.

The closer the Dullahans approached, the better they could see the green light quickly form into a large round object.

As the shape started to look like a head, one by one, the Dullahans stopped, and their eyes and mouths opened wide.

*Cough, cough* “I killed Orso for all of you. Am I still a bad person in your eyes?”

*Cough, cough...* “I took revenge for all of you.”

*Cough* “I let those who went to Valhalla have a reason to celebrate.”

*Cough* “I almost died, and I got badly injured.”

*Cough* “I even took the friendship potion after I managed to survive.”

*Cough* “No wonder no one is trying to believe my words. You have been manipulated for far too long.”

Vincent said while acting as if he was in a terrible state. He tried to win some pity points while hoping the Dullahans could sympathize with him now.

Orso’s head materialized completely. The fur was burnt, but the large yellow eyes were unforgettable.

Most of the Dullahans felt a chill rush down their spine after recalling how Orso had chased them and how many Dullahans Orso had killed. Some were friends, while others were family members.

“That is a bear’s head. The great Orso must have burned to death as an offering.”

“The great Orso is dead! We can hunt safely now.”

“Those eyes made me have many sleepless nights. That monster will not endanger us anymore.”

“Yeah! Our people must be rejoicing in Valhalla right now!”

One after the other, the Dullahans were becoming happy at the wonderful news of Orso’s death.

Some Dullahans rushed inside the village to share the great news, while others looked at the sky and spoke to their deceased in their thoughts.

“My sweet daughter, you were in danger... I failed as a father.” Awa’s father worriedly and apologetically said.

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