Summoned and Unwanted

Chapter 696 - 696 The last of the power is used to save instead to flee

Amie and Lamin understood what Vincent was trying to suggest. They should respect the action of the female Cefeye for attempting to save their daughter, even if it were the action of someone they never knew and didn’t like before now.

If Amie and Lamin could do what the female Cefeye has done, they would unhesitantly do it. They would exchange their lives for their daughter’s life proudly.

Such thinking caused their previous cautious gaze to change to an appreciative gaze. They showed signs of appreciating the gesture instead of hardheadedly refusing the bloody hair.

When their daughter was about to die, the Cefeye in front of them was the one who exchanged most of its life to help. No one else did such a selfless act.

The Dullahans near them could only look and wait until Awa passed away without any way to help.

Kazumi wanted to figure out why the female Cefeye would suddenly go to such lengths. However, no matter how profoundly she pondered, Kazumi could not comprehend why the female Cefeye gave most of her life to Awa.

The more Kazumi pondered and rewatched memories, the more she started to think about a vague yet possible comparable reason.

The Cefeyes had found Awa’s body abandoned in the forest. They set camp near the body for some reason and removed the clothes from the body as their habit.


The same body they found allowed Vincent to approach them. When the Cefeye’s fates intertwined with Vincent’s fate, their fate of becoming the food of the snow tiger and wolf changed.

This got Kazumi to wonder if the Cefeye were at least intelligent enough to remember their savior and the reason their savior arrived before a tragedy.

This was the only plausible reason Kazumi could think of at the moment. The one who was fated to die chose to like her fate with the dying person who allowed her to live for another day.

Amie extended her hand. “I will give it to my daughter.”

Vincent summoned a cup of water and placed the bloody hair inside. He handed the cup to Amie and waited.

*Gulp, gulp, cough* Awa drank the water, blood, and mystical hair.

It didn’t take too long for Awa to show symptoms of relief, yet that wasn’t enough to help with the recovery. Awa needed to receive a powerful healing spell or a miracle.

“I have a secret method to save Awa’s life. However, Awa will share a part of her life with me, and a small branded mark will appear on her body.” Vincent moved his gaze onto Awa and continued, “That means Awa will need to stay by my side even if she does not want to.”

Vincent looked at all the Dullahans around him. “Humans will hunt us if this secret is discovered. They might even hunt everyone here if the secret I just mentioned is revealed.” He said in a serious tone.

*Gulp* The Dullahans became shocked to hear such news. After hearing a part of Vincent’s secret healing ability, the humans could hunt them if this matter is exposed.

However, the Dullahans didn’t take a long time to realize that knowing or not knowing about Vincent’s healing ability, the humans hunted them either way. Thus the reason they label the humans as slave traders.

“Yes! My daughter will understand if she dislikes the idea of staying with you.” Amie responded positively to Vincent’s question.

“I also agree. My sweet daughter can marry the clan leader. I do not mind handing my daughter to a man who is willing to take responsibility.” Lamin said while not revealing Vincent and Awa’s fake relationship.

[Awa’s mother accepted, while Awa’s father asked you to take responsibility by marrying her. I guess you have chosen to...]


[Overheat duration ended.]

[Host Race returning to human.]


The duration of Overheat ended, and Vincent’s body became weak from the injuries and exhaustion. However, Vincent didn’t show signs of fear in his gaze.

[make the ultimate gamble... sigh.] Kazumi continued while watching Vincent return to normal.

[Vincent. You can not fight anymore. You know that? Right?]

[Are you really going with the crazy plan I am thinking about? Do you believe that plan is the only way out for us?]

Vincent didn’t answer. His decision was made, and he did not want to back down after deciding to gamble everyone’s survival with his life.

*Soul Domain Bridge*

Awa opened her eyes, yet she did not know if they were opened or closed. She blinked a couple of times, but darkness was, and darkness remained.

Awa moved her hand to pinch her cheek. Not only did Awa feel slight pain, but she also noticed her fingers were visible even in the darkness.

Awa became perplexed. She knew she died, yet Valhalla wasn’t supposed to be a void. The Valhalla she thought of was a heavenly place where warriors gather after an honorable death.

Tears welled in her eyes. *Sniffle* “I was not a warrior, and I didn’t die an honorable death...” *Sniffle* “I was sent to the void instead of Valhalla.” *Sniffle*


“Huh? Am I going to hear familiar voices in the void too?” Awa questioned while believing of hearing a familiar voice calling out her name.


Awa heard her name being called again, causing her to lean upward. After she moved her head to look around, she noticed a green sun illuminating a small part of the darkness behind her.

Under the green sun was Vincent and behind him was a patch of crystals, a throne, and a treasure chest.

Beside Vincent was a green floating ball perched on his shoulder.

A small emerald wolf beside his feet looking curiously at Awa while gently wagging its tail. Sixteen emerald butterflies fluttering their wings around Vincent. A small emerald vine-like snake with a flower on its head and a watch on its neck.

Awa was astonished to see Vincent in the void with her. After watching Vincent fight so valiantly, she began to question why Vincent was not in Valhalla after his death.

It made Awa think, ‘If Vincent can not go to Valhalla, then... does it mean Valhalla does not exist?’

“Awa. Are you not feeling well?”

[Hmm. That should not be the case unless Awa somehow suffered damage to her soul.]

“That is worrisome. I hope Awa will recognize us soon.”

“Worrisome? Recognize?” Awa scratched her head. “Vincent. What are you talking about?”

Awa looked around her and continued, “From where is that woman’s voice coming from?”

Kazumi went in front of Awa. [I am the spirit who was going to read the books as per our previous agreement.]

Awa flustered while acting as if she was afraid of ghosts. Awa took a step back and fell on her bottom.

[Haha. This was the first time someone became this afraid to meet me.]

“...” Awa didn’t respond.

Awa moved her gaze onto Vincent and saw him covering his mouth. He was obviously holding himself from laughing.

Awa felt her hand being licked and a tail wagging in her view. She became curious to know how the statue of a small wolf was alive in the afterlife.

[Now that you are dead, what do you intend to do in here? Since Vincent is the only man here, are you going to be with him?] Kazumi slyly asked.

Awa looked at Vincent before averting her gaze and blushing.

“Ahem. Do not mind, Kazumi. She loves to tease others.”

“Does... does it mean you do not...” Awa paused, and everyone could hear her gulp.

[Ho ho. Looks like there are sparks in the spirit world.]

Vincent chuckled as he approached the blushing Awa. He extended his hand and said, “I saved your life. It means I am responsible for you no matter what you decide to do.”


“Awa. If there was a way for you to live, would you take it? Your parents are waiting to see you and your people too. There is also the female Cefeye waiting for you.”

“Female Cefeye?”

“Yes. She tried to save your life by losing a lot of her life in the process. But it is not enough to save you.”

“How many chances of ways to live are there?” Awa asked while moving her hand.

“Only one chance.”

Awa grabbed Vincent’s hand and was helped to stand. Awa showed a saddened expression while tears welled in her eyes as if she was about to cry, not from happiness, but from sadness.

Awa opened her arms and embraced Vincent. She raised her head and kissed Vincent on the lips.

[Wow. This is quite amusing to see. Hehe. ]

Awa became embarrassed and stopped embracing Vincent. She took a step back while wiping her tears.

Awa forced herself to smile and said, “I want the one chance to be taken by you then. Please take care of my people and parents. Please do not let all my people perish.”

“What are you talking about?”

“I am thankful for everything you have done for my people and me. I will give the one chance of living to you. You deserve it more than me.”

*Sigh* Vincent shook his head. “The chance to live is only for you since you are not...”

Awa abruptly moved forward and placed her lips against Vincent’s. She kissed him while her tears slid down her cheeks.

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